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Predrag Pavic

Predrag Pavić is the winner of 2019 Radoslav Putar Award.

He works in sculpture, video, performance, and is interested in media archaeology, art theory, film and literature. An active member of the Zagreb independent art scene, Pavić is the founder with the architect Marko Ambroš of Deminutiv Studio that specializes in model making. He also co-manages the artist run studio/gallery space Atelijeri Žitnjak, and is a member of the Croatian Freelance Artist Association.

His work has been featured in group and solo exhibitions in Zagreb, Split, Pula, Osijek, Gothenburg, Catania, Sofia, Düsseldorf, and Gdansk. He was awarded a Croatian AICA association award, Grand Prix of the 10th Triennial of Croatian sculpture, and Grand Prix Emanuel Vidović at the 38th Split Salon. He teaches sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.