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Maja Hodoscek

Maja Hodoscek works in the intersection between art, education, politics and everyday life. She makes video works, installations as well as initiates various workshops and curates exhibitions. Through the language of moving image, Hodoscek explores diverse social groups and potential learning environments. Departing from her educational background, a primal notion of her interest is the potentiality of the pedagogical turn in art that she practices through collaboration and exploration of social relationships through politics of horizontal exchange. She is especially interested in constructing situations that promote dis-identification, self-recognition, and processes of temporary group formations. Most of her projects were realized in elementary and high school settings. Her work was shown in Beyond the Globe, 8. Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3, Modern Gallery Ljubljana, 2016; South by South East, Guangdong Times Museum, China, 2016; Travelling Communiqué, Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade, 2014, among others. Solo exhibitions include: Dreamers, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Zagreb, 2016; We Need a Title, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, 2015. She was the 2010 OHO Award winner in Slovakia and was nominated for Open Frame Award in 2016 (goEast Film Festival, Wiesbaden).