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Ana Likar

Ana Likar is the winner of the 2023 OHO Award.

Ana Likar’s practice ties together the topics of labor, ecology and the question of powerlessness with attempts to undermine the instrumentalization of nature for obscuring oppression and power relations. Formally revolving around systems of organizing and categorizing, her work points to the pressing tensions against those very structures by creating (or finding) cracks from within. She employs rigid constructions in order to indicate their shortcomings and oppressions—and positions the fragile, invisible, and fragmented in the center instead. Following this lead, her works are often also produced in fragmentary ways, finding reconfigurations and new relations over and over again, only rarely resulting in monolithic pieces.

Often in the form of installations, texts and videos, her work has been exhibited widely in Europe. Notable exhibitions include: 2023 OHO Group Award at Galerija P74, Ljubljana Slovenia (2023); Awakenings, 14. Biennial of Young Artists at Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, North Macedonia (2023); „nominiert …“, Vordemberge-Gildewart Stipendium 2022 at mumok, Vienna, Austria (2022); Figure 1.1 (Other Forms of Unrest), solo exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2022); Diorama II, solo exhibition at Natural History Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2022).