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Michal Moravčík

Michal Moravčík (1974–2016) was involved in many artwork and civic initiatives, he taught at different art schools and had dedicated himself to a critical art practice. He thematised social inequality and its manifestations in nationalism, as well as manipulation of historical memory, and symbolic or real manifestations of the neoliberal economy in a troubled postsocialist era. He frequently created site-specific works and he often explored the practical and theoretical relations of Central European urbanism, with a special interest in the personal historical layers of unfinished urban infrastructures and the simplifications of current developments. From his interest in historical-political issues, came his critique of nationalism, which filtered from politics (strongly connected with economy and ideology) to everyday life. He thematized the unfixed nature of history with its hidden and controversial elements that often may come into play according to current political interests and influenced by historical turbulences. Solo exhibitions include: If You Don’t Need It?, Project SPACES, Asociatia Oberliht, Chisinau, MLD, 2013; Alexander The Hero, Make Up Gallery, Košice, SK, 2012; Glajchszaltung, Laboratorium Sztuki, Wozownia Art Gallery, Torun, PL, 2011; DKP, Gallery Jeleni, Prague, CZ, 2010; Martha Stewart would never dream of, Antje Wachs Gallery, Berlin, DE, 2008; Furnitures, Add on, Kunst in Offentlichen Raum, Vienna, AU, 2005. Select group exhibitions: Universal Hospitality, Futura, Prague, CZ, 2017; Corridor, tranzit, Bratislava, SK, 2015; Imagined Communities, Budapest Gallery, Budapest, HU, 2015; Private Nationalism, The Approach Art Association, Pécs, HU, 2014; Circular Ruins, Meetfactory, Prague, CZ, 2014; Skok! The Tales of (Y)our City, Werkshauhalle (Spinnerei), Leipzig, DE, 2013; Auf der Strecke, Stadtgalerie Bern, CH, 2013.