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Milena Putnik

Milena Putnik’s works refer to her immediate urban surrounding by combining drawing and painting with photography, old plans, and newspaper cutouts. She interested in the relation between subjective experience of space and its physical features. Exhibitions include We Have Found a Beautiful Spot, Cultural Center Pozega, Serbia [solo], 2017; B-tour Festival Berlin/Belgrade, 2014; Missing Places, KC Grad Belgrade, 2012; Walking through Belgrade, Belgrade, Vienna, 2012; The Curious Case of Ifs and Whens, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, 2011; Тime Packages, 91 mq Project Space, Berlin, 2011; Cities on the River, Belgrade, Vienna, Bratislava, 2010; Belgrade:nonplaces, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009, Every Day Anew at ARC Projects Sofia and Belgrade Cultural Center [solo], 2009; In the Vicinity, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade [solo], 2006; Non-places Roda Sten Gothenburg, 2006; Dislocations/Utopian Spaces Ozone Gallery Belgrade, 2006; Central at Tresor im BACA Kunst-forum, Vienna, 2005; October Salon, Belgrade 2003 &2004. She currently works as an Assistant Professor at Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture at Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade.