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OPA (Slobodanka Stevceska and Denis Saraginovski)

OPA (Obsessive Possessive Aggression) is a collaboration founded in 2001 by the visual artists Slobodanka Stevceska and Denis Saraginovski. It focuses on researching the social, cultural and everyday issues, as well as ways of looking, thinking and behaving of a certain community in the shifting social and political conditions. OPA reacts to the actual situations conceptualizing them into an art form by meta- situations/positions/narratives. Thus their activities include actions, context-specific projects, video, TV screenings, mockumentaries, etc. Their projects are often related to the societal life of the artist and the art system, deconstructing the artwork and its units. OPA has had solo exhibitions in Macedonia, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia, France, Germany, USA and the Netherlands and has exhibited widely in group exhibitions and festivals such as Transmediale, Berlin; Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin; Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow; Transeuropa – European Theatre- and Performance Festival, Hildesheim; Freewaves’ Biennial of New Media Arts, Los Angeles; I Had a Dream, Kunstraum Baden, Switzerland; Victory Obsessed, Zamek Culture Centre, Poznan; etc. OPA received residency fellowships in Estonia, France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. OPA is co-founding member of Kooperacija Initiative (2012-2015) and from 2003 to 2005 collaborates with the journalist and writer Sasho Talevski, under the name OPA&HA (Obsessive Possessive Aggression and Chronic Arrogance). Sasho Talevski was also their selected artist to participate in the ISCP residency.