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Pleurad Xhafa

Pleurad Xhafa is a visual artist and filmmaker. His work has been included in the following exhibitions: Every revolution is a throw of dice, Genoa, Italy, 2006; Onufri Prize, Tirana, Albania, 2008; Tirana Biennale, collateral event, Albania (2009); Berlin Biennale, Germany, 2010; Lavoro/Work/Vore, Udine, Italy, 2013; Let us start from the middle, Tirana Art Lab, Tirana, Albania, 2014; Shame on you, Celje, Slovenia, 2015; Les Rencontres Internationales, Paris/Berlin, 2015-2016; Teatri i Gjelberimit, Tirana, Albania, 2016; Triple Feature # 5, Tirana Art Lab, Tirana, Albania, 2016. He has collaborated with Department of Eagles and MAPS-Museum of Art in Public Space on projects regarding specific interventions in public spaces in Tirana, Albania. He is the winner of the 2014 Ardhje Award by Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (T.I.C.A.)