Martin Mainer
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:677:”The works by Martin Mainer are characterized by painting and drawing virtuosity and thorough knowledge of the history of visual arts. While his early works have been inspired by Germany’s Neue Wilde, and his later works by Chinese classical painting and baroque treatment of celestial space, these facts have not prevented him from creating apparently […]
Irena Sladoje
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:1077:”Irena Sladoje’s art starts from a specific social and psychological position on one side – wherein , through an individual story, she opens up universal metaphors about “the state of human being” (the cycle entitled Pain) – while, on the other side, she turn superficiality of the universal and omnipresence of the trivial into a […]
Incredible Bob
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:271:”Incredible Bob is Belgrade scene desperado, born in the late seventies in a country that doesn’t exist anymore. Bob walks a thin line between glitch art and show business. No matter what, Bob will continue to search for an answer to the question: What’s new in new media?”;s:5:”email”;s:0:””;s:5:”phone”;s:0:””;s:7:”address”;s:0:””;s:7:”socials”;a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:”name”;s:0:””;s:5:”title”;s:0:””;s:3:”url”;s:0:””;}}}
Michal Nesázal
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:800:”At the time of receiving the award, Michal Nesázal was a member of the Pondělí (Monday) group; after the postmodern works by the Tvrdohlaví group generation, the Pondělí group introduced conceptual methods and a highly personal approach, later labeled as the tyranny of intimacy, to the art scene. Nesázal conceived his objects as little intimate […]
Michal Moravčík
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:1873:”Michal Moravčík (1974–2016) was involved in many artwork and civic initiatives, he taught at different art schools and had dedicated himself to a critical art practice. He thematised social inequality and its manifestations in nationalism, as well as manipulation of historical memory, and symbolic or real manifestations of the neoliberal economy in a troubled postsocialist […]
Miha Presker
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:387:”For Miha Presker human perception is similar to digital one, neither able to see all perspectives and relation between spaces at once. His work researches and displays the contrast between human and machine perception. He invigorates this contrast in order to gain insight into space and movement from a new perspective. He won the OHO […]
Ilija Prokopiev
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:1314:”Ilija Prokopiev is a visual artist and a culturologist. He works in the field of art, memory, and history in societies without art institutional infrastructure. He has participated in numerous projects, biennials and group exhibitions such as: Focus Ex-Yugoslavia and Albania, Vienna, Austria, 2016; Heroes for one day, Skopje, Macedonia, 2016; Biennial of Young Artists […]
Michal Pěchouček
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:638:”Born in 1973 Education 1993-1999 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague Michal Pěchouček is a perennial star on the Czech art scene. His impressive films, continuing his photonovel series, have a vivid narrative style. The peculiar stories and fragmented actions, pausing in static images rather than flowing seamlessly, create an atmosphere which is strikingly different […]
Milena Putnik
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:1235:”Milena Putnik’s works refer to her immediate urban surrounding by combining drawing and painting with photography, old plans, and newspaper cutouts. She interested in the relation between subjective experience of space and its physical features. Exhibitions include We Have Found a Beautiful Spot, Cultural Center Pozega, Serbia [solo], 2017; B-tour Festival Berlin/Belgrade, 2014; Missing Places, […]
Gjorgje Jovanovik
a:7:{s:4:”user”;s:4:”none”;s:8:”subtitle”;s:0:””;s:10:”brief_info”;s:1457:”In his recent work, the question of the integration and disintegration of the contemporary man has been his preoccupation. He re-examines interpersonal communication in the context of the general situation of redefining universal values, man-society relations, and consumerism as a key factor of modern lifestyle. Selected solo exhibitions: Radio Free Skopje, CAC Gallery, Skopje, 2015; […]